Weekly Tunisia Service

Direct Bizerte Service

    Contact Us!

    Partial Service

    Direct service to Bizerte port.


    Complete Service

    Weekly service to


    Has your customer ever come back to you and complained about the high local costs? It won’t happen to you with us. International Transit, founded in 1971, and Neta International Transportation, founded in 1998, owe their survival for many years to the permanent customer association. We do not go behind our word on the service and price we promise.

    As Neta, we transport your partial loads to Tunisia every Friday (may vary according to the ship schedule). We provide very competitive prices and smooth operation. For week loading, please contact our Tunisia department by filling out the form below. Requests sent are responded to within 2 hours at the latest.

    If you wish, you can create your request by sending the details directly to cem@netatrans.com.tr

    Neta R2 Belgesi

    About Us

    Our service is our best asset. We are completely available 24/7 and respond to our colleagues instantly. We are flexible and impartial while offering the best solution for transportation. We have the R2 transport certificate, which allows us to organize all kinds of transportation within Turkey.

    Please note that the R2 certificate is mandatory for transport brokers and not having it will jeopardize your transport activities in Turkey.